Architectural Review Process
The community of Rancho Santa Fe is attractive and desirable in large part due to the Protective Covenant, an agreement among property owners to preserve the character of the community and uphold the quality of future architecture. The Art Jury reviews development and building applications to ensure that new projects maintain the "high artistic result" described in the Rancho Santa Fe Protective Covenant.
The Rancho Santa Fe Association is preparing to launch Accella, a municipal management software that will streamline community management and regulatory processes. Accella will enhance efficiency and improve the member experience by:
Automating permit applications and architectural reviews
Enabling digital submissions and reducing paperwork
Improving tracking of land use, property improvements, and assessments
Providing an online portal for residents to submit applications and track project statuses
Enhancing communication with real-time updates
Accella's launch will modernize operations and improve service for all members. The full launch is on April 14. Stay tuned for more details!
New applications and resubmittals are accepted in accordance with the 2025 Submittal Schedule, although dates are subject to change. Projects will be accepted and held in queue on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please submit new applications by following these steps:
- Access online application and complete PDF digitally or by hand. Copies are also available at the Association office.
- Email application to, or drop off in-person by the scheduled deadline.
- Send digital plans via email with application or via mail on USB drive to address below. Application packets may also be delivered in-person.
- Provide one (1) set of hard copy plans via mail, or delivery to the Association address (addresses listed below).
- Fees may be submitted in the physical application packet, or dropped in a slot near the back door on the west side of the building across from the Community Center after-hours. Please see the Schedule of Fees and Deposits for details and make checks payable to RSF Association. For confirmation of fees, please email [email protected].
- Pre-Application meetings may be conducted with staff via video conference or in person.
To schedule a meeting, email [email protected] with contact information, address and proposed scope of project.
New Building Permits may be issued digitally:
- Send applicable documents identified in approval letters to [email protected], or delivered to the Association office.
- Mail Building Permit fees and deposits to the address below, drop off fees in the slot indicated above, or deliver to the Association office.
- Send approved County plans via mail, delivery, or digitally via email to [email protected]. Plans must show perforations indicating County review and approval.
Rancho Santa Fe Association Building & Planning Department Addresses
Email Addresses Application and Information:[email protected]
Building Commissioner:
[email protected]
USPS Mailing Address
Rancho Santa Fe Association
Building Department
P.O. Box A
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Delivery Address
Rancho Santa Fe Association
Building Department
17022 Avenida de Acacias
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067